Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tenly is Now 8 Weeks

We still can't get enough of our little girl. She is such a happy baby who loves to smile everyday. Over the last two weeks she has been talking more and more as each day passes, she sucks on her hand every now and again and is starting to laugh. However, the beginnings of her new little laugh sound like a cough. She also now loves her new Wubbanubs that we got her for Easter. A Wubbabnub is a Soothie (pacifier) that has a stuffed animal sewn onto the end of it, this way she doesn't lose it as fast, she can hang onto it and when she is older will be able to find it when she is sleeping (we hope). We got her a little lamb and giraffe. She enjoys holding onto them as she sucks on them.

My new Lamb Wubbanub

My new Easter Dress

My first Easter at my house. Everyone came to visit me. Mimi, Papa, Aunt Crysta, Uncle Shawn, Grandma and Grandpa. I missed Aunt Kara, Uncle Brandon and my cousins Johnny and Dylan.

My 8 Week Photos


I don't think I like wearing hats :-(

Friday, April 15, 2011

Tenly is Now 6 Weeks

We can't seem to figure out where the last six weeks have gone. But needless to say we have enjoyed every minute of Tenly, even the few sleep deprived moments. However, we did seem to get very lucky because Tenly likes to sleep at least five hours at night. So needless to say there are no complaints over here.

In the last six weeks we have enjoyed many moments with Tenly. She started to smile at us at just 4 weeks. She loves being talked to and always having someone paying attention to her. We cant blame her though, she is pretty cute. She seems like she is starting to learn her name, and when Daddy calls her name she will turn her head and look right at him. Tenly also had her first bath, which she absolutely loved.

Here are some photos taken in the last couple weeks. This blog and our life is definitely all about Tenly.

The shirt Mommy made for me.

My new tutu and headband, which Mommy also made for me

Our little present sent straight from heaven