Sunday, June 26, 2011

Goodbyes Are Never Easy

Well, another few days have gone by and I still haven't posted anything. Not doing very good about this whole blogging thing yet, maybe someday I will.

Yesterday came and went so fast and so did the last seven days that we got to spend with Aunt Kara, Uncle Brandon, Johnny and Dylan. We thoroughly enjoyed every minute that we got to spend with our family. It was very cute, because Dylan just couldn't seem to get enough of sweet little Tenly. Wherever Tenly was Dylan was. He was playing with her, talking to her and even singing "Jesus Loves You", so adorable. I think he needs a little brother or sister. :-) But seven days out of a year is just not long enough for any of us. It just breaks my heart that the next time they will be able to see, hold and kiss Tenly she will be walking and talking by then. However, it is a good thing that we do have Skype, which is going to have to do for now. Unfortunately, yesterday with filled with too many tears. I just wish there wasn't so many miles between us. But, they did have a good reason to get back to Spain because Brandon (Uncle Brandon) is getting promoted Wednesday the 6th of July to Lieutenant Colonel. Congratulations Brandon, we wish we could be there to celebrate with you but we are all so very proud of you! We love and miss you all dearly and are looking to the next time we will be able to see and hug you all again!

Last night we still were not able to get any sleep, even though our full house was now an empty house. Kara and the boys left and even Papa (my dad) left for France for business. So today Mimi (my mom) and I took Tenly to the pool for the first time. I think even though we were only there for an hour we tired her out, which is exactly what we wanted to do. She's napping now which is great! Here are a few photos that were taken over the last few days.

Dylan's Halloween costume for this year

snuggling with Mimi after my nap

Dylan, Johhny and Tenly

Aunt Kara and Uncle Brandon

Mimi and Papa

Ready to go swimming!

My first time at the pool

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Shop Till you Drop (Well Not Really In Our Case)

Ok, so I am already slacking about blogging everyday. I have already missed two days! Bad mommy! Tuesday was a quiet day around the house and needless to say not very productive. Since, I was running on no sleep, I was not in the mood to do anything, or even go any where for that matter. Kara, the boys and my mom ended up going to blockbuster to get the boys some movies and game to keep then entertained while us girls tried to catch up a bit. They also got us a couple movies to enjoy. We are in the process of watching one, but have only gotten through about half. With children around it is almost impossible to get anything done in an orderly fashion, if you know what I mean. I believe that movie is called Just So You Know, with Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler. So far its great! Ill keep you posted once we finish.

Yesterday ended up being a much better day. Tenly decided she would like to sleep a bit more through the night, so we were able to get a good nights rest. A bit back to normal I would say, sleeping about seven hours, of course interrupted so she could eat once, but that's great for us! After a few feedings and trying to get ready yesterday, we were able to go shopping for a bit. Going to Sam's club and Kohl's because my sister Kara only gets back to the States once a year, so we try to eat a bunch of different things and shop quite a bit. Since in Spain they only have a few select stores, so everyone ends up wearing the same things. I was of course able to find Tenly a few super cute outfits. Its hard to pass up cute girl clothing! Then Kara's husband came back to town, he was out of town for his grandfathers funeral service. We then celebrated Kara and Brandon's 15th wedding anniversary. Crazy to think they have been married for 15 and together for 20, he's been around almost my entire life. I'm so happy for them! I can't wait till we have been married for that long.

Wednesday night was a great night for sleeping, for both Tenly and I! I just hope that I don't jinx myself. We slept from 11 till 3:30, back to sleep at 4, up at 5, back to sleep at 5:30 and up at 9:15. Now, lets hope that tonight is just as great and that each night just continues to get better! Here are a few pictures, I will definitely add more later.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Somehow Functioning on No Sleep

     Today is day two in Kansas, needless to say its almost one hundred degrees here and we are staying inside. Last night was a long night for us. Not because Tenly was crying, but because Tenly just didn't want to sleep. Apparently, she doesn't need as much beauty sleep as mommy, but how can you need sleep when you look like her! I believe we slept for a total of mayyybe about five hours last night. However, Tenly is napping now and I am blogging. But I really think I should be napping too. However, its hard to nap when I only get to see my older sister, her husband and her two boys once maybe twice a year.

    Today we have mostly lounged around the house, played some cards, laughed, cried and horsed around (if you have boys, you would totally understand). My younger sister Crysta and her boyfriend Shawn are leaving tonight, they were only in town for a few days and are headed back to work tomorrow morning, so their time here was very short.

     The winds have been very strong today and there has been a Tornado warning tonight, so I am praying that we are all kept safe and that the storm passes fast without damage. Here are a few pictures of our day. I will be trying to blog everyday to take advantage of the family we have gathered together that has traveled from miles and miles away!

Im loving my new headbands that mommy got me!

Aunt Kara and Tenly

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Follow The Yellow Brick Road

      Well, yesterday Tenly and I took our first airplane trip to Kansas to see my sister Kara, her husband Brandon and my nephews Johnny and Dylan, who are in from Spain only for a couple weeks. So, for the first time Tenly got to meet her Aunt Kara, Uncle Brandon and her first two boy cousins, Johnny and Dylan.

      We started our adventure about 6:30 pm when Grammy Kelly came to escort us through security and to the gate, since we had so much stuff. You can't blame us, two girls traveling, we needed everything possible to look cute. So we packed two suite cases. :-) Tenly was still not a fan of being in the car at all. So, once we got to the airport I put her in our Moby Wrap and she was content until we got the gate. The moby wrap is a long piece of cloth that is wrapped around my body a few times, but contoured to both of us to make it as comfortable as possible. She loved watching everyone and seeing all of the bright colorful objects. However, by the time we got to the gate it had been two and a half hours since Tenly last ate, as most of us know she eats maybe every two hours or definitely less, so needless to say I would be upset too if it had been more than two hours, I would be starving!

      Once we got on the plane there was a wonderful woman who sat next to us who helped Tenly and I get setteled. She made it very clear to me not to worry or stress about Tenly crying, that it was perfectly ok and that she was totally understanding. There was also a couple sitting in front of me about my parents age, mid-fifties or so. The gentleman turned around and also said the same thing, don't worry about her crying, its perfectly fine. Im happy to know that there are people out there who understand what it is like to have an unhappy baby sometimes and you can't always control the tears. Tenly was upset for a few minutes or so until we were able to get settled and feed her. After that Tenly was able to both eat and sleep the entire plane ride, which was about an hour and a half. She did absolutely wonderful! I have to say there is such a huge difference between the car and a plane besides the obvious of course. In the plane I am very thankful that I can hold and feed Tenly, instead of listening to her cry in her carseat all the time. The plane made for a very relaxing and enjoyable ride to see family. We will definitely travel by plane more often!!

       When we got off the plane the couple in front of us was nice enough to ask if we needed help and carried my purse and the diaper bag while I carried Tenly. They then pushed the stroller with our things until we met my mom and my sisters at baggage. I am just so thankful that these random people were so thoughtful, caring and would ask me, a perfect stranger if I needed help with a beautiful newborn and our things. They were such a blessing yesterday!

My First Day in Kansas

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Married for 3 Years

Where does the time go. We have been married for three years now and we have been together for almost six years. They are not always the easiest, however we are all told that if it was easy everyone would be doing it. Marriage has been such a blessing for us and how could anyone complain when you get to spend everyday with your best friend, the good times and the hard times. We can't wait for the many years to come, including the years as a family now with beautiful Tenly. We usually spend our anniversaries traveling to our favorite place wine county in Grand Junction at the Wine Country Inn. However, with a newborn in tow it is not as easy as it seems. However, we will have to try traveling next year. Maybe the car rides will be a little easier by then. We did celebrate by having a nice steak dinner, a beautiful bouquet of bright pink roses and a lovely walk around our peaceful neighborhood. Who could ask for anymore? We know we can't. Here's to many more blissful years together as The Fenton's.