Friday, January 20, 2012

My 1st Halloween

A cute one piece outfit from Mimi and Papa. She wasent liking the hood over her head

Halloween jammies and riping up magazines are my new favorite things

My Halloween tutu that mommy made for me

My first time helping daddy carve a pumpkin

My first Halloween costume

My 2nd Halloween Costume from Grandma and Grandpa

My 1st Snow Storm

We admired the snow from the inside this time because Daddy was at work. Needless to say it would have been hard to take her out in the snow and take picture of her. So inside will just have to do. But we did go out and play with the snow and she wasent quite sure what to think of it.

1st Play Date

Our very first real play date with two of my best friends Makayla and her daughter Lily and Crystal and her daughter Cadyn. The girls had a great time together!

Hospital Visit

Before going to the hospital to visit her aunt Kiki while she had surgery on her nose.


Enjoying looking out the back door with her kitty Luca.

My First Kind of Real Bath in the Sink

Sorry, I've been slacking at posting. With the holidays and major sickneses going around this house hard to keep up!

At least kind of real with out the baby tub. She loves the water!